Membership Application

    One of the most exciting promises of our Lord Jesus is, "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18. That church finds its home in local fellowships like this one. We exist to worship God, teach the Word with integrity, fellowship by loving each other and glorify Christ.

    By becoming a member of this church, you are identifying yourself with this church. You are joining yourself to its goals and purposes and given the right to vote on various issues that the church might face. We consider it an honor to have you as a member.

    Membership into a church does not replace a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and will not get anyone to heaven. By filling out and signing this Church Membership Application, you are stating the following truths:

    1. I have accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior;
    2. I agree with the church's tenets of faith;
    3. I willingly submit to the church leadership
    4. I will regularly support this fellowship in attendance, prayer & finances; and
    5. I will endeavor to live a life separated unto God through and by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
      • Please check all boxes that apply (if none, leave blank)